WorkPlace Serious Harm Notifications by Industry

Serious Harm Notifications by Industry 2010-2015

Industry 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015* Total
Accommodation and Food Services 83 117 127 101 82 43 553
Administrative and Support Services 21 48 63 59 48 239
Agriculture 294 315 394 311 289 168 1771
Arts and Recreation Services 317 372 405 312 229 143 1778
Construction 625 667 715 607 514 240 3368
Education and Training 1044 1152 1183 676 170 106 4331
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services 41 80 98 87 49 24 379
Financial and Insurance Services 21 20 29 13 11 6 100
Fishing 8 8 5 11 6 5 43
Forestry 175 184 192 162 107 47 867
Health Care and Social Assistance 533 513 484 393 267 161 2351
Information Media and Telecommunications 39 28 19 14 9 8 117
Manufacturing 1117 1134 1141 799 572 323 5086
Mining 34 45 35 20 22 4 160
Not Elsewhere Included 120 101 124 132 104 16 597
Other Services 170 171 198 544 330 49 1462
Professional, Scientific and Technical Ser 17 25 28 25 38 133
Public Administration and Safety 163 170 254 161 101 69 918
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services 249 104 13 13 9 7 395
Retail Trade 436 437 406 348 220 91 1938
Transport, Postal and Warehousing 352 347 377 354 296 168 1894
Wholesale Trade 61 41 35 34 21 5 197
To be confirmed 12 36 48
Total 5882 6044 6307 5183 3504 1805 28725


In July 2013 the process for recording serious harm notifications was changed. Previously, any notification was recorded as it was received. From July 2013, only notifications that met the legal definition of serious harm have been recorded. This means that pre- and post-2013 data for serious harm notifications are not directly comparable.

*2015 figures are year to date 06 July 2015


 [Source: WorkSafe New Zealand, July 2015]